Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is "Frugalicious France" an oxymoron?

This has not been a very French week. I realized that I'm France-deprived when Tim sent me this link today. Somehow I don't think I'll be trying out my online French to do these interesting things while I'm in Paris.

I'm looking longingly at My Life in France by Julia Child and Toujours, Provence, by Peter Mayle, both of which are lingering on my bedside table. I fall asleep every night with Edward and Alexandra by Richard Hough, because I'm determined that I am going to read it one more time before I give it away.

All of these books deserve their own posts, and hopefully, their times will come. I even have the amazing video series, A Year in Provence, waiting for me at the library. The incomparable Lindsay Duncan steals this series as Mayle's wife. Pretty soon, they will put it back on the shelves because I haven't picked it up. Note to self -- stop at library on way home from work tomorrow.

Oh, and did I mention that on Sunday I watched French Kiss, which I finally found at Blockbuster? Not my favorite movie, but the scenes in Paris and in the countryside are beautiful.

I'm going to have to be satisfied with putting dénouement on my Lit Test for tomorrow and leaving it at that until Friday night. Au revoir and go, Team Jacob. There's something very French about a werewolf in love.


chris said...

You haven't commented on seeing "Julie and Julia"

Got My Reservations said...

I can't even begin to talk about either Julie's book or the movie (I loved them both) until I read Julia's memoirs. And let's talk about the divine Meryl winning another Oscar. There will be commentary then!!

Jessie Weaver said...

If you want to add one more to the stack, I LOVED this memoir of an American woman who moves to France: Almost French.

Unknown said...

I'm going to Provence, too! Maybe we could watch those videos together.