Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I can't remember a holiday season in which I have had more fun than I have had this year. Starting with Thanksmas in Ohio with my mother and brothers and their families, through a lovely long weekend with my husband and our grown children, and all the way through a full staycation week of Chicago activities, every day is full of delights to be savored. I feel very blessed to be a part of such an amazing circle of friends and family.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone beyond the people I force to read this blog actually read it, but based on the thoughtful presents I received this year -- from the bouche de Noel to the copy of Up to the Villa (a travel memoir) -- I guess there are friends and family who are enjoying my craziness. I appreciate every single one of your kind comments and gifts.

Having recently finished reading My Year in France by Julia Child and viewing Julie and Julia, I can't help recalling the scenes in both the book and the movie where Child gathers in a group of people and creates a family wherever she lives. She lost her mother early, her relationship with her own father and stepmother was strained and it appears that she was disappointed to remain childless, but she made up for this sadness in her life by being a catalyst who drew disparate people together.

Not surprisingly, her lasting friendships appear to have revolved around food and travel. The Valentine's Day scene in Julie and Julia in Paul and Julia's French dining room is poignant and felt very meaningful to me as it triggered memories of the wonderful meals I have shared with family and friends in 2009. Even when I went to the movie web site and watched the trailer, I was reminded of incredible meals from the movie and from my own life.

After reading both books and bookending the books with viewings of the movie, I heartily recommend that you do all three. The movie is good enough to stand on its own, but your enjoyment and understanding of the characters involved will be deepened by reading the books.

I came away from this holiday season with a sense of wonderment about the blessings in my life. Somehow, this very flawed individual has managed to be a part of a magical circle of people who make my life worth living. My devoted husband, my amazing children, my sweet mother, my loving brothers, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews (including darling Libbie) all bring me joy every day. And then there's my other family -- the incredible group of friends who are there for me no matter what -- and are always bearing the necessary food and wine. Like Julia, I am a brash, overly-large American who has a purpose and contentment in her life. C'est magnifique!

The lines are blurred -- my friends are my family and my family members are my friends. What more could a girl want for Christmas?


Ashley said...

I feel blessed to have an aunt who enjoys life so much! It is always fun to have a conversation with you, especially now that I am an adult! I can't wait to be able to talk to you about my students and tell you stories like that. I, too, loved the Julie and Julia movie. I was excited to hear that you have a first edition of the cookbook! I can't wait to hear more about that story. :-)

loooooove, your niece Ashley

Linda Dini Jenkins said...

There ARE people out there reading this (this is right out of the movie, no?). I just started a travel blog myself and wonder the same thing. If the gift you received from your friend is Up at the Villa: Travels with my Husband, then I am the author -- and I'm thrilled! Hope you enjoy it. My new blog is Hope we can stay in touch! Happy New Year -- Linda Dini Jenkins

Jennie said...

I started your book which was a gift from a mutual friend. It looks like exactly the kind of book I comment on in this blog and I can't wait to read your chapters on France. I also signed up for your blog, as it looks like it will be fun to read. And yes, I purposely alluded to Julie Powell's plea for comments to see who would get the reference. Yeah, Linda!

Unknown said...

Regarding friends who turn into you realize that we've been friends for nearly 10 years? This is my 9th year teaching. Thanks for being such a valuable mentor to a a clueless young girl, and for being such an important friend to said girl who now has gray hair. Argh!

Jennie said...

I was talking about you last night, remembering how long we have been friends. You are one of the constants in my life. Thanks for being a friend and family.

Angela @ Breastfeeding 1-2-3 said...

I enjoyed "My Life in France" and when I watched "Julie and Julia" the other day it was especially fun to watch the special feature with the interviews about Julia Child.

Jennie said...

Angela, now that I've entered the blogosphere whole-heartedly, I am finding that people's opinions on Julie & Julia differ widely. I think there's another post brewing in my head on this, and I will definitely include some comment on the extras from the DVD. I loved them, too!