Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The One That's Not About France

Today my niece who writes as Vanderbilt Wife introduced me to Pensieve. On a day that I am worried about my mother and my brother who is her local caretaker, on a day that I took 8th graders to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and am feeling all the emotions that emerge from that experience, Vanderbilt Wife and Pensieve were each a breath of fresh air. What beautiful and eloquent writing. What practical advice. Keep 'em coming, ladies. I need you in my life.


Lala said...

First of all, props to VanderbiltWife, I love my cuz and I love her blog!!

However, I have to say I'm dubious about a blog (Pensieve) written by a woman who "hadn't heard about the movie Precious" until January 17, 2010. Are there specific posts worth reading?

Got My Reservations said...

In my quick review of both her writing style and her topics, I felt that I had something to learn from Pensieve. We rarely love everything a blogger writes, and probably don't agree with everything either. I'm interested in reading Pensieve for the long haul.