Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hooked on Blogging and Chocolate

Are you old enough to remember Hooked on Phonics? They still make it! That surprises me since I have very few students who know anything about phonics. Aren't their parents concerned about buying preschool phonics lessons? I think that learning phonics in elementary school has made me a much better speller and wordsmith.

No more snarking today. I want to talk about getting hooked on blogging.

One of the guilty pleasures of being a part-time blogger is that I don't really feel pressure to produce blog posts in a timely fashion. That will probably ruin my ability to have any blogger popularity, but oh, well. The best part is that it encourages me to read other people's stuff. I will admit, I'm a genuine lurker; I don't always comment, especially when the blogger seems very popular and has lots of comments. I, on the other hand, look forward to any comments I receive. Please comment!

Today's guilty pleasure for you is from Chocolate and Zucchini. It counts as French because the author lives in Paris and writes mostly about cooking in France. The chocolate cookies in this post appear to be genuinely luscious and I may have to bake them. I loved this post and the text about Valentine's Day. In case you're wondering, I'm somewhere between category 1 and 2. Bon Appetit!

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